Sunday, December 22, 2019

Analysis Of Malcom X s The Media s The Most Powerful...

McCarthy 1 Kathryn McCarthy March 8, 2016 World Literature Bias in the News Media In the 1960’s, Malcom X proclaimed that â€Å"the media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses† (Krishna). Since then, the media has only become more powerful with the rise of talk radio, cable television, and most importantly the Internet. Moreover, the outcome of elections are influenced by the media because the media has the power to change the ideology of people by using partisan beliefs (Thornton). The debate over whether or not reporters should be able to incorporate their personal views with their work has gained more power and attention. There is no reason for a reporter to insert his/her personal beliefs in his/her work. People in other professions such as doctors, judges, police officers and teachers are expected to keep their personal opinions aside from their work and the same s hould be expected of journalists and news reporters (Sullivan). Partisan beliefs damage the credibility of a story and it is important that the American people are able be receive cold hard facts. Bias in the media prevents the news from being objective and it blurs the line between journalism and activism (Carr). It is evident that bias exists in the media because major news stations are McCarthy 2 labeled as â€Å"conservative orShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Media On Our Society Essay1007 Words   |  5 PagesInfluences of Media on our Society There is no doubt that the media influences us. To state some examples to prove this claim, try answering the questions that follow. Do you feel like attempting a stunt from a movie? Do you base your fashion on what you see the celebrities are wearing? Do you copy the hairstyle of your favorite famous personalities? Have you ever attempted to walk model-like in an attempt to imitate those ramp models in fashion shows? If you answered yes to any of these questionsRead MoreIslamophobia Is The Most Predominant And Aggressing Issues3058 Words   |  13 PagesIslamophobia is amongst the most predominant and aggressing issues we face at a local, national, and global level after the unfortunate 9/11 tragedy. Islamophobia can best be characterized as rejection of the Muslim population. From the view of a Non-Muslim, it is hated or fear of the Islamic principles, most often due to a limited distorted knowledge of them. From a Muslim perspective, it is unable to find recognition with in a soc iety due to their beliefs. This often promotes them to hold on to

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Understanding Leadership as a Theory Free Essays

Understanding Leadership as a Theory 06 June 2012 word count: 250 By: Author The purpose of this essay is to discuss what I have learned by reading this weeks assigned chapter in regards to understanding leadership as a theory. I will discuss the building blocks of â€Å"theory’, as well as take a look at the organization in which I work in to take a look at variables that may be used to evaluate the performance of the President of my company. Leadership as a theory in chapter 3 mentions a great Tory of the Janitor at NASA working late because the president had instilled in him a sense of pride that made him want to work late without getting paid. We will write a custom essay sample on Understanding Leadership as a Theory or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, when looking at the Anatomy of Theory we find that it can be broken down into specific units, â€Å"namely, the theory itself, followed by subordinate constructs, variables, and personalized measures† (Ludlow, G. R. Copula, M. N. , 2011). I found my looking at these specific units; it became clearer on how leadership as a theory can be utilized to learn how to become a better leader. I would have to agree that this chapter was o pedantic, In that it seemed to break down things too deep. Within my organization the senior leadership Is measured based upon his ability to lead and make tough decisions. Because we are non-profit organization, research, and academic that Includes clinics, we must have a leader that understands the many facets of the business. The variables that must be used Include knowledge, ability, and skill at a CEO level In order to understand how the college operates. â€Å"Given that leadership knowledge comes from several disciplines, It Is Important to use social science-based methods to provide clarity to the study of leadership† ( Ludlow, G. R. Copula, M. N. , 2011). I believe that If you look Into each aspect of the business, you will find that all these variables mentioned can be placed Into each part of the operations. References Ludlow, G. R. Copula, M. N. (2011). Leadership for Healthcare Professionals: Theory, Skills, and Applications. Sturdy, Maine: Jones and Bartlett Learning. Understanding Leadership as a Theory By mike floors WIDE : Understanding Leadership as a Theory too pedantic, in that it seemed to break down things too deep. Within my organization the senior leadership is measured based upon his ability to lead and academic that includes clinics, we must have a leader that understands the many facets of the business. How to cite Understanding Leadership as a Theory, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Bacchae Essay Research Paper MoralSocial Values in free essay sample

Bacchae Essay, Research Paper Moral-Social Valuess in The Bacchae One prevailing statement about The Bacchae as with many of his other plants is whether Euripides propounds a radical or a reactionist message about society. This mentality, nevertheless, is hedging an indispensable component of The Bacchae # 8217 ; s subject. The moral-social values affirmed in Euripedes # 8217 ; play are political merely so far as doctrine itself is political. Euripides investigates the duality between Pentheus and Dionysus. This struggle is used as a medium for commentary on the bing societal order and the single # 8217 ; s relationship to society in footings of a societal concept and personal semblance. The antipodean relationship of these constructs defines a remarkable philosophical mentality that Euripides proposes. The Bacchae formulates equilibrium between dichotomized elements of humanity. Such a relationship is frequently looked upon as a natural equilibrium, cited as an internal battle or the # 8220 ; pendulum # 8221 ; of human philosophical being. Euripides extends this thought to societal commentary. We will write a custom essay sample on Bacchae Essay Research Paper MoralSocial Values in or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page His most powerful tool in this averment is semblance and societal concept. Law, order, and the position quo are the across-the-board elements of being. Therefore, the obvious repression of adult females is more of import than their human consideration, the acetic soberism of # 8220 ; civil # 8221 ; life takes precedency over emotional demands, and, overall, the demands of an arbitrary concept of a inhibitory society are more of import than the emotional nee Ds of the members of that society. This is most obviously presented through the character of Pentheus. He has control over society, but his topics are discontent. Tiresias warns Pentheus of the foolishness of governing with logic, rhetoric, and coerce entirely and expresses his discontent with Pentheus’ determinations, particularly his suggestion of praying to the Gods to save Thebes from the blasphemy of Pentheus. In add-on, the guard sent to collar Dionysus provinces that he has no desire to collar the adult male as ordered, but does so merely under orders from the male monarch ( ll 442 ) . Pentheus seems most attuned to this concept as he has about no sympathetic or positive emotion, even toward household and surely non toward his topics. Cadmus is likewise deceived as seen through his rationalisation to Pentheus for taking portion in the Bacchic rites. Tiresias and Cadmus both follow the rites of Dionysus, non from echt regard or belief in the God, but because of tradition . Extensive mention to â€Å"the old way† and the way of â€Å"our forefathers† is made in relation to the worship of Dionysus. . . . no statement of yours/ shall of all time do me spar with Gods ( ll 324-5 ) .† â€Å"We stay near to the hallowed dogmas of our male parents: / every bit old as clip ( ll 201-2 ) .† Assorted remarks throughout the drama, such as Tiresias # 8217 ; accusal that many laugh at his jubilation of Dionysian rite, are declarative that the acetic societal concept is widely accepted. Those who are non capable to this frontage, nevertheless, still yield to another semblance.